Manicure and Pedicure Kit 2 . The Manicure and Pedicure Kits, designed and made by the Specialised Pics Nails Staff, are born from the desire to provide at every woman Professional Nails Products needed to perform a perfect manicure and pedicure with safety and convenience, even at home!
The Kits are in fact real Manicure and Pedicure Sets, which are complete with every fundamental article to perform a professional and secure work, and able to assure you a considerable economic saving compared to purchasing individual products present in the kits.
Kits consisting of "Base" Products to which you can add additional items of your choice, thus obtaining a customized and "tailor-made" Kit in relation to your needs and desires.
To add your favourite products and give life to your custom Kit by clicking on the drop-down menu and select the desired article; Once the composition of your Kit will be sufficient to click "add to cart" button to proceed with your purchase.