Gel Nails Colors Pics Nails for your Gel Nails with unmistakable and unique characteristics!
Gel Nails Colors Pics Nails are decorative, professional and photo-curing with medium viscosity, available in a rich and extraordinary range of colours and shades with different hues and surprising colouring effects.
The Gel Nails Colors Pics Nails stands out for their excellent adhesion to the nail surface , for their pleasant gloss and shine, as well as for the wide different range of different colours and shades : shades designed and realized by Pics Nails to keep pace with the trends and fashions of the moment!
The Gel Nails Colors Category includes Color Gel Nails, Pearled Gel Nails, Metallic Gel Nails and the New ThermoGel Nails: unique products for their characteristics and for the possibility to use them both on French works that Entire Nails, with the certainty to always give your Gel Nails a professional and unmistakable color, finish and appearance!