Gel Nail Polish Kit for Application and Removal
This kit has been created for those who already have some colours but who want also the necessary to remove the Gel Nail Polish without any effort…!!!
In fact it contains a Nail Buffer, a Curved Nail File Zebra, a Stone Nail file for Preparation, 25 pieces of cotton pads, Gel Base Coat and Top Coat, Nail Cleaner and Gel Nail Polish Remover 150 ml,
Kits consisting of "Base" Products to which you can add additional items of your choice, thus obtaining a customized and "tailor-made" Kit in relation to your needs and desires.
To add your favourite products and give life to your custom Kit by clicking on the drop-down menu and select the desired article; Once the composition of your Kit will be sufficient to click "add to cart" button to proceed with your purchase.
The Gel Nail Polish Removal Tutorial was born from the idea of the Pics Nails Staff of creating an extremely clear and complete Free Guide to show the readers every necessary step and product to correctly Remove with safety the Gel Nail Polish!
Each step is accompanied by photos and taglines that explain with simplicity every working step, guiding you in a free and educative training path!