Gel Soak Off Color – Coloured Gel Nail Polish with integrated Brush: New nuances of Gel Nail Polishes characterised by a low thickness, with integrated brush, ideal for colouring the natural or false nail with the Gel Nail Polish procedures. This Special Nail Polish has a low viscosity (moderately liquid), is self-leveling (it coats uniformly indipendently on the nail) and it is easy to apply, almost like a normal Nail Polish, but, unlike the latter, ensures an extreme, shiny, brilliant and perfect seal for 15 days and more, waiting for only few seconds of drying in lamp! For this reason it is also called Gel Nail Polish! In this way the desire of having nails characterised by a unique color or with the French White, that remain intact for days, is no longer a dream .... Thanks to the Gel Nail Polish even the nails of all those who do not want to resort to the Gel Nails Extension will finally have a unique, gloss, resistant and durable color, with an application of about 20 minutes. Unlike the Gel Nails Extension, where you need filings and milling, this product can be removed by soaking the fingers for a few minutes in the Gel Nail Polish Remover, after which the product will be undermined by the side of the nail and eliminated as if it was a foil. Synthesis of Application: Apply a light but uniform coat of the product over a layer of Clear Gel Nail Polish, or above the Gel Base Coat, previously fixed in lamp, and make it catalyse in a lamp of 36 watts for 2 minutes. In order to save time in the application it is suggested to coat the colored product on a couple of nails at a time so as to avoid unpleasant castings on the cuticles and then terminate the exposure to UV lights of the lamp for 2 minutes with the whole hand. Then after proceed to the Gel Nail Polish coat or to a second coat of the Clear Gel Nail Polish and the relative exposure in the lamp for 2 minutes in order to complete the work on all the nails and to make the job impervious , durable and shiny. Since the product produces a layer of dispersion (sticky patina), after the coat of the final Top (Clear Gel Nail Polish or Gel Top Coat), proceed with the degreasing of the surface with a square of the cotton pads which has to be soaked in Nail Cleaner Pics Nails. Product Package: 10 ml Black Bottle with Integrated Brush
Gel Polish: details ,advices and curiosities of the most Revolutionary Product ever!
A space entirely dedicated to Gel Polish,to expand your knowledge and discover with us the characteristics and professional working methods attached to this unique product!
Nail Art Tattoos is the Photo of a New Nail Art signed Pics Nails!