Gels Nail Polish Pics Nails are a real novelty in the Nails industry: innovative and professional products, proposed to satisfy the needs of all those who wish healthy and beautiful nails ... for weeks and without having Gel Overlays or Sculping Nails!
Gel Polish be applied and removed with incredible ease without damaging the natural nail surface and provides lasting for 15 days or more!
This section Gels Nail Polish Pics Nails includes all items needed for a complete and secure application and removal: basis Gel Polish , more than 100 different shades of Gel Nail Polish Colors, Professional Gel Polish but also the Soak- off Gel Remover, the specific liquid to its correct removal and the Monoclear 2 in 1 gel polish (basis + top in a single product).
Gels Nail Polish Pics Nail have already revolutionized the habits of many women, who are more and more fascinated by the convenience of this product unique in its kind: the same simplicity of a classic nail polish combined with the seal and the brilliance of a Gel Overlay!
Pics Nails offers, besides its wide range of products Soak off Gel Nail Polish, also convenient Kit: rich "packages" of nails products, designed to meet every need and differentiated in order to really facilitate the work of every woman, whatever is its level of experience.
Gel Nail polish kit are complete of each product and necessary tool to get a perfect job!