Who followed us during these months, could discover the Nails Fashion Trends of the Season Spring-Summer 2016, meeting from time to time the Protagonist Fashion Colors and our Advices to give life to perfect and glamour Nail Art!
The Itinerary started with the presentation of two Colors of the Year - the Rose Quartz Pantone Fashion Color and the Serenity Pantone Fashion Color - and continued to the discovery of other summery nuances much loved on the catwalks as in the Make-up and Nails sectors!
In this way, we went along with you in this discovery telling tou the femininity of the Peach Echo Pantone Fashion Color and of the Lilac Grey Pantone Fashion Color, the refinement of the Iced Coffe Pantone Fashion Color and the liveliness of the Fiesta Pantone Fashion Color, up to the intense and deep Limpet Shell and Snorkel Blue!
An Overview realised to allow to each of you to know and reveal the Trends of the moment, to be able to give life to creation even more original and modern!
But our Itinerary ends here, with a last "stage" dedicated to other two important Colors of the Summer 2016: the Buttercup Pantone Fashion Color and the Green Flash Pantone Fashion Color!

Let's start exactly from the Buttercup Pantone Fashion Color!
A Yellow which is definitely suitable for the warmest months of the year, sunny and lively nuance, perfect for who desires to dare and "wear" her own Nails with a Summery and young Colour!
The Yellow Buttercup recall the Colors of Nature, its fields and its flowers in Summer, reminds of the Sun and the pleasant warmth of summery days. It is certainly about a Colour able to enrich your Creations and your Nail Art with a touch of Unique Brightness and Vivacity!
Also for this reason, it could only be one of the protagonists of the new ongoing Special Pics Nails Offer in these days: Promo Welcome Summer!

We continue with the Green Flash Pantone Fashion Color!
Here we really arrived to the end of our Overview, with the last Fashion Color Spring Summer presented here in pur Nails Portal...the Green Flash, a shade that encloses lively and summery nuances, striky colors for Hands and Feet that do not go unnoticed!
The Green Flash Pantone Fashion Color, in fact, gives joy, light and joyfulness to your works, to the siimplest with a Single Colour to the richer Nail Art as those realised with the Underglass Technique or with the methodology of the Micro Nail Painting and Painting in Miniature!
The Nail Supplies in line with this Fashion Colour and available in our Shop Online are really a lot...and for this reason it is about the second Colour that is part of the ungoing Promo Welcome Summer!
The Pics Nails Itinerary ends here...but we are already ready to start another one, to constantly follow the News and the Fashion of this Fantastic World! Keep Following us...