The choice of the Nails Shape is always an important moment when we are going to realise a Gel Nails Extension: knowing the different nails shapes at disposal ad the most current ones in the Nails Sector, knowing to recognise them and discover how to realise them, knowing to choose the most suitable for the Nail and Hand type...these are fundamental elements to always obtain an optimal result, aesthetically perfect and lasting!
That is why we decided to dedicate a new deepening of our Nails Blog precisely to this topic, giving you a clear description of the most widespread and loved Nails Shapes, and giving you some useful advices to guide you to the choice!

Square Nails.
We start from one of the most widespread shapes: this classical nails shape, in fact, is chosen by many women and it allows to have a wide nail surface where we can create our Nail Art or realise a French!
Because of the aesthetic aspect of this Nails Shape, our advice is to choose it when our Hand or the Customer's one is enough tapered and thin, to avoid a finish that, visually, is not slim.
To realise the Square Nails, we will proceed with the aid of a Straight Nail File working first on the Nail Length and then on the Nail Walls (that are the parallel sides of the nail); in this way we will be able to obtain well defined edges, typical of Square Nails!

Squoval Nails.
The Squoval Nails Shape is the ideal choice for who desires a finish which is similar to the Square one, but with the free edges less clear and defined!
This Shape, in fact, is obtained by working in the same way followed for the Square shape (so Filing the Free Edge and then the Nail Walls), then smoothing and sweetening the edges obtained, refining the nail shape!
Squoval Nails, so, are suitable even for those who don't have a considerably long and thin hand, but do not want to renounce to a strong finish!

Oval Nails.
Here is a particular Nails Shape suitable to who wants to obtain a more delicate and natural finish and give to her Hands a tapered appearance.
To achieve perfect Oval Nails, we will proceed with our Straight Nail File working on the Nail Length and on the Nail Walls: the Filing Step, in this case, has the aim of "smoothing" the two Nail Free Edges until obtaining a perfect Oval shape, neither too pointy nor too rounded!
Our advice, in this case, is to opt for the Oval shape only in presence of a Free Edge that is adequately long for the realisation of an Oval, then without risking to obtain another shape, similar but actually different, that is the Rounded one.

Rounded Nails.
Here we arrived to another shape which is very requested by the women of all ages: perfectly Rounded Nails, and perfect for who desires looked-after hands and nails, even if they have not a considerable length at the beginning.
Rounded Nails are the favourite choice of who desires to opt for a simple finish, natural and less striking. In this case, during the Filing Step we have to pay attention when we work on the Nail Walls: their shape, in fact, will be no longer straight, but it will tend towards the inside, precisely to obtain a perfectly rounded shape!

Almond Nails.
Almond Nails Shape allows us to give a touch of unmistakable elegance and femininity to our Hands!
This particular Nails Shape is perfect for who already ha a good length or is going to realise a Gel Nails Extension. It is, in fact, a tapered and fine Shape with a visual aspect which is similar to an extended oval...precisely like an Almond!
Also in this case, therefore, it will be fundamental to pay attention to the Filing Step of the Nail Walls, working so that they tend to approach towards the Free Edge but without achieving an excessively pointy and defined finish, but rather sweetening and rounding the Free Edge!

Stiletto Nails.
Here is one of the strongest Nails Shapes, very appreciated by who wants to achieve a daring look and a slim and thin appearance.
The realisation of the Stiletto Nails, compared to the previous Shapes, needs even more attention and manual skill: this particular Nails Shape, in fact, envisages a more emphasised Filing and a precise work on the Nail Walls that will be shaped ad filed so that they perfectly conjoin in a central area of the Free Edge, giving life to a precise and slim tip.
To obtain an optimal result, it is often recommended to imagine the I letter that starts from the centre of the cuticles area and finishes precisely on the free edge, thus to be able starting to file the Nail Walls towards that direction.

Ballerina Nails Shape.
Here is one of the most recent news of the Nails sector, una forma an original and very loved shape! This Nails Shape, in fact, distinguishes itself for an evident peculiarity: the oblique Nail Walls and the straight Free Edge...a shape that could remind, precisely, that of the typical ballet slippers!
Ballerina Nails, therefore, reveal themselves as particularly suitable for who has a sufficient length for their realisation or for who has to realise a Nails Extension.
To achieve an optimal result, during the Filing Step, we will have to proceed by accurately working on the Nail Walls, that will tend to approach towards the inside verso (as in the case of an Almond Shape), but this time we must conclude our Filing paying attention to the Nail Tip that will have to be straight!

Lipstick Nails.
A very descriptive Name, for a Nail Shape that remind us precisely the shape of a lipstick, because of its characteristic oblique tip!
Just like in the case of a common Lipstick, the Oblique Nails are with a side (preferably the side towards the exterior of the Hand, so towards the pinkie) visibly longer and a shorter side, conjoined from an Oblique Free Edge and well defined. For an optimal result, we suggest you to create an inclination of 45-55 degrees, to obtain an harmonious Oblique Shape.
This particular Shape, very appreciated by the youngest by who wants a striking and "strong" finish , it gives a slim and very original appearance to our Hands and Nails.
To obtain perfect Lipstick Nails, it will be necessary a good length to work the best during the Filing Step, that in this case envisages a precise work on the Nail Walls (perfectly parallel between them, as in the case of the Square Nails) and on the Free Edge.