Nails Extension during Pregnancy?

Nails Extension during Pregnancy: is it possible to take care of our Nails by proceeding with a Nails Extension Gel even during a so delicate and special period as Pregnancy? We talk about it in this new deepening of our Nail Artist Blog...Enjoy your Reading!

Nails Extension during Pregnancy?

Nails Extension during Pregnancy? Here is one of the great questions that our Pregnant Customer often ask us...and that's why we decided to talk about it thoroughly here in our Nails Blog!

As we know, Nails Extension is an "activity" that allows us to have our Hands perfectly in order for entire weeks: unlike a Classic Manicure with Traditional Nail Polish, then, it allows us to always be perfect and flawless for several days...without worrying about retouches of Hands and Feet tht are not in order! That is why women who can't renounce to this small aesthetic cuddle are increasigly numerous!

During Pregnancy, this theme seems to be even more important: among the many tasks of this so special period, the certainty of having flawless Hands and Feet for long time seems to cheer the future mothers up even more!

Then there are women who, accustomed to pay attention to their own Nails and to feel comfortable also thanks to the care and the perfect look of their Hands and Feet, resorting precisely to Nails Extension, would not give up on it also during Pregnancy.

Nails and Pregnancy

But obviously the first uncertainty of all the pregnant Customers is linked to the safety of Gel Nails Extension during a so delicate moment: are there contraindications? Can it be dangerous for the baby health?

Doubts are really many...and we are here to try to dispel some myths and make some little clarifications about!
First it is fundamental to say that Gel Nails Extension is NOT dangerous during Pregnancy...but we can say it only making some considerations!

The working method followed during the procedures of Nails Extension is not dangerous itself, because the Nail Supplies used don't come in contact with the skin or the mucous membrane, so they don't come in contact with our organism.

But this key assumption has to consider some factors: certainly, in fact, first of all is necessary knowing that the Quality of the Products used, the Professionalism of who uses them and the environment hygiene where they are used are the fundamental requirement to avoid any problem!


As always, and as we repeatedly said here in our Blog, only the quality and the maximum professionalism can guarantee the maximum safety to our Works and Customers!

Nails Care during Pregnancy

Said that, the Supplies and Equipment used do not are a source of risk for the future moms, who can resort with serenity to the Aesthetic Cares of their Specialised Nail Technician of confidence...even during the 9 months of Pregnancy!

Certainly, the particular hormonal conditions that are realised in our organism during pregnancy could influence the perfect seal of the Gel Nails Supplies during the Extension: for this reason, it will be normal to notice a lower seal during these months, with respect to the normal one you are used to.

It should be done another small clarification for some particular products - as the Primer and the Nail Prep: these products, in fact, have an alcoholic base and they could accidentally come in contact with the skin during their use.

Anyway, they are Nail Supplies that can be avoided to solve any doubt! Also their particular pungent smell, moreover, could annoy the pregnant Customer provoking nausea and bothers.

Before concluding, it is important to deal with another theme concerning Nails Extension during Pregnancy: in the case of a c-section birth, in fact, Removing Gel Nails both from Hands and Feet before undergoing surgery is a compulsory procedure...but, anyway, also in case of natural birth, our advice is to leave free your Nails before the supposed birth date.

Gel Nails, in fact, could obstruct some medical activities and it would not allow Doctors to immediately observe the color of the natural nail, an element that, as we already know, reveals many details about our health condition!
In this case, then, it will be sufficient to remove our Nails Extension some days before, and maybe apply a Clear Nail Polish!

We can then finish by definitely answering to the question "Is Nails Extension during Pregnancy dangerous?" saying that there aren't considerable contraindications, other than those linked to the correct use of the Products, to the exclusive use of certificate and professional Products of high Quality and, obviously, to the hygiene of the working environment and the working products used!

As you certainly noticed, in this Nail News we decided talk in an exclusive way about Nails Extension and Gel Nails, but the same considerations and advices can be done also if the future mom wants to apply a Gel Nail Polish!

Obviously, our advice is to always ask to your Doctor or Gynaecologist before making any choice, in order to be able to take care of your Nails with the maximum serenity and be impeccable...also during Pregnancy!

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