Gel Nails does not ruin Nails if the Nails Extension or the Application of Nail Supplies is made by expert Nail Technicians, who use professional methodologies and Nail Products of guaranteed quality.
In order to be able to ensure an excellent endurance of Gel Nails Products, it is necessary and fundamental “roughen” the natural nail with the aid of a Stone Nail File for Preparation (that is a specific Nail File composed by a special sander stone that is endowed with a very fine grit), but it does not mean that the nail is damaged, but it simply will be degreased and roughened with the right Nail Tools.
Choosing well the Nail File to be used in this firt phase will guarantee a perfect cohesion of the product but will also safeguard the condition of the Nail Surface.

It is neccessary, moreover, to be very careful during the phase of Products Removal, because the risk of exaggerating in the filling , both with the Manual Nail File that with the Electric Nail File, is very high, especially for the less skilled Nail Technicians.
It is for this reason fundamental to choose the right Nail Equipment, do Nail Technician Courses in order to well analyse the use of Nail Tools or Entrust on Specialised Nail Centers!