Many times it happens, here in our Affiliated Nail Centers Pics Nails, to help women of all ages to stop eating and nibble at their Nails giving to their Hands a new, well-finished and perfect appearance...How? By resorting to a Gel Nails Extension!
It happens very frequently to know new customers who suffer from Onychophagy, the harmful "bad habit" that brings many women and also many men - as we will see in this page of deepening - to eat nails and even hangnail or the cuticles area, with a consequent annoying inflammation...or even to meet customers who suffer from Onychophagy that "tear off" with teeth the Gel Nails present on the nail surface.
Onychophagy, therefore, is a disease that is harmful for our health (let’s just think about how many bacteria come into contact with us every time we bring our hands to the mouth!) and for the Health of the Natural Nail, which on the basis of the seriousness of the situation can also be subject of more serious damages!

Obviously, in order to solve this problem with a Gel Nails Extension it is important to have a minimum of Nail Base on which the Nail Technician can work, to apply the Tip or False Nails and to create the support for the Gel and the possible Extensions.
We recommend however, at least for the first few times, not to make excessive elongations or that are greater of the extremity of the fingertip.
Not being accustomed to the length, in fact, the risk of hitting and breaking the nail is much higher.

The use of "naked" and natural colours, as in this Photo in which we show you a Nails Extension with Tips, will give a new and extremely natural aspect to your hands, thus helping you to avoid eating them!
In these first cases, opting for Only One Colour - whether they are more natural or more intense - is the best choice: in this way we will be able, in fact, to give greater fit to the nail and make immediately appear the finished Gel Nails Extension more natural!

It can also happen that the problem of the Onychophagy does not concern only the Nail but also interests the cuticles area! As in the case of the next picture, that tells us just of a customer who, in addition to eating Nails, also "nibbled" with teeth the nail surface close to the cuticles, thus creating a real groove and causing inflammation in the whole area of the matrix!
A problem visibly harmful and even painful, solved in this case with a Nails Extension with Tips and with the Application of a Glitter Gel Nails that helped our customer to stop nibbling the Nail and thus giving it the time of growing again strong and healthy!

For us and for our Nail Technicians Pics Nails, help our customers and give life to unique creations even in case of Onychophagy Nails is always a huge satisfaction!
It is always a pleasure, in fact, solving a problem and not only...also satisfy aesthetic desires of those who before contacting us had Hands and Nails visibly damaged is one of our first objectives!
As shown in the photo next, published to tell you how even in cases of Onychophagy is possible to give life to a Gel Nails Extension and even to flawless Nail Arts!
Obviously, in order to create works of this type and obtain a finish not only aesthetically perfect but also durable, it is fundamental to have a great practical experience and theoretical knowledge of the Professional Methodologies of Work and Nail Products that are more suitable!
This is why already for years Pics Nails has formulated a very rich educational offer, studying and developing Professional Nail Courses and Specific for every aspect of this amazing sector!

In cases of Gel Nails Extension, as shown in the beautiful photo here, in order to hide the most the natural base of the gnawed and very short nail and to be able to level out the colour of the nail bed, it is appropriate to have recourse to the use of Specific Nail Products such as the Gel Camouflage, that allow us to proceed with our Nails Elongation with the certainty to achieve a natural and flawless finish!
They are, in fact, Nail Products able to give the Nail Surface a healthy and very natural appearance, hiding eventual small imperfections even in cases where it is required an elongation of the nail bed or the realisation of a French!
The wide range of Gel Camouflage available in our Catalog Online, furthermore, allows us to always choose the shade of color and the desired degree of covering, in relation to the finish that we want to obtain, to the type of nails and our skin tone!

As pointed out here in our Nail Artist Blog, Onychophagy is not a problem exclusively feminine!There are many men who suffer from this problem...and more and more often it happens that they decide to consult expert Nail Technicians to solve the situation.
Even in these cases, exactly as we recommend to our female Customers, our first suggestion is to learn to take care of your own Hands and your own Nails!Also for men, dedicate time and attention with regular Manicures that help Nails to grow more healthy and strong is the first step to remove the problem of Onychophagy!

Men often overlook this part of their body, but it is important learning to take care of it with simple and quick attentions!
Even with our male Customers, then, we have repeatedly opted for a Gel Nails Extension to remedy the problem of Onychophagy!
As for women, also for men hands are the first thing to notice, in the personal life as well as in the professional one! This is why having well-finished Hands is important for them too!Thus, a Nails Extension with Tips - as in the next picture - may be the best choice for a quick and effective solution!
Once completed the work, even more reluctant and skeptical men must surely agree: a finish that is extremely natural, almost indistiguishable! In the next picture we show you just one shot of the finished work: a Gel Nails Extension with Tip to give even to the Hands of a man a healthy and aesthetically pleasant appearance!
Of course, in these cases we will resort to natural colours and Gel Camouflage to perfectly recreate the appearance of a natural and masculine nail and, with the aid of a Polishing Nail File, it will be possible even "matte" the nail surface (obviously after having sealed it) to obtain a not shiny aspect to the Hands of a man!
We conclude this interesting study dedicated to Onychophagy by reminding you the importance of Specific Nail Treatments and Specific Nail Products for the Care of our Nails and the prevention of many problems, among which also the Onychophagy!
Learning to constantly take care of their own Hands will be the first small step to avoid "eating" nails creating further damages, inflammations and painful problems!
Even in cases of more evident Onychophagy, the Gel Nails Extension is certainly a good and valid solution, obviously entrusting on a qualified Nail Technicians and Nail Products of Quality, as those of the Pics Nails Brand!