Since ancient times Nature has been one of the biggest sources of inspiration in the Artistic sector in every field: from painting up to more modern branches, such as Dance, the elements of Nature have given many hints on who was preparing to give life to their own works of art!
The richness of Nature and its elements, in fact, could not offer every day - to anyone who would be able to seize them - endless colors, shapes, lines and subject to reproduce in artistic form. Suffice it to think about painters, always committed in the reproduction of unique environments and views, able to return the eyes of the viewers pleasant sensations and atmospheres that are almost real!
Many times, here in our Portal and in our Nails Blog, we have defined the Nail Art as a real art...Art on Nails, exactly! And just as an artistic discipline also Nail Art, as we have seen, possesses its own techniques and methodologies, its trends and its different manifestations, linked to the experience and subjective ability of each "Artist" of Nails!
If, then, we are convinced of this simple definition, we cannot fail to observe also in Nail Art and in the Art of Decorating Nails the strong influences of Nature and the deep bond that connects these two settings!
Just like it happened for Painting and for many other Arts, also Nail Art has found in Nature one of its greatest and inexhaustible sources of inspiration: especially, the world of Flowers has been able to offer a large amount of examples to give life to the decorative elements on Nails that were able to reproduce the beauty, the colors and the great variety of Flowers existing in Nature!
But let’s see some example, to better understand this important bond!
We begin with a first example: here is in the image beside a Nail Art made in our Nail Salons Pics Nails, precisely inspired to the world of Flowers and performed with the technique of Micro Nail Decoration and Painting in Miniature.
This working method perfectly lends itself to the realisation of Floral Decorations because the used Nail Paints and Nail Tools allow us to give life to amazing and realistic colour shades, sinuous shapes, just like in the reality!
All the creations shown in this page of our Nails Blog were realised thanks to a competetent use of specific Nail Brushes: the Gel Nail Brush Oblique 1mm and the Gel Nail Brush 1mm for example, that allow us to recreate on the nail surface extremely precise, thin, sinuous lines...and here comes to life a Nail Art of great aesthetic impact!
We continue with another beautiful example: this time it is about a Floral Nail Art - made once again with the technique of Micro Nail Decoration and Painting in Miniature - but with the help of colors even more original and less "classic"!
Go-ahead, then, to all your imagination and creativity: nothing forbids us to take inspiration from Nature and then be able to give a personal touch to our Nail Art, playing with unusual colors and obtaining perfect combinations…as in this case, where the intense colors of the Flowers harmoniously combine to a Glitter Blue French, for an original, refined and feminine finish!
Here is a further example: this time it is a Nail Art of Floral inspiration and further enriched by the use of Swarovski Nails!
Small Rhinestones capable of giving a touch of unmistakable light to our Works, as in this case: applied on the nail surface, they gave even more originality and richness to this Nail Art!
Nature, therefore, was and still is the basis from which began the construction of great artworks, in the most diverse areas, and daily also in our Nail Salons offers original and fascinating ideas to give life to Nail Art always different and really realistic!
The realisation of Nail Art of this kind requires a good knowledge of the specific techniques and methodologies of work and for this reason our Nails School Pics Nails proposes well two Professional Nail Courses devoted precisely to Micro Nail Decoration and Painting in Miniature of 1st and 2nd Level: a path designed and organised to offer each Nail Course Participant the opportunity to learn this Professional Technique in two educational Steps, starting from the bases of the Micro Nail Decoration until you come to the realisation of Nail Arts as those shown here in our Nails Blog!
Our Advice, therefore, is to follow a Professional Educational Path in order to increase and reinforce your skills...and continue to always observe with curiosity and attention to everything that surrounds us and what each day Nature manages to give us, to take inspiration and thus be able to achieve real works of art!
Good Work Girls!