Oval, Square, Squoval Nails: do We really know the characteristics of these three Natural Nails Forms and how to obtain them with professionalism and safety?!
When we are going to realise a Perfect Manicure, the choice of the Shape to give to our Natural Nails is fundamental to obtain a finish capable of giving value to our Nails but also to our Hands!
For this reason, the choice is always subjective, it varies from person to person in relation to the characteristics of the Hand and Nails of each of us...but let’s see together how to find the most suitable Shape for our Hands and always obtain an impeccable result!

Oval Nails: we start from the most widespread form, the "Oval" one!
Oval Nails are among the most requested and they prove to be suitable even for those who do not have a big Hand or particularly thin fingers.
To obtain this type of Nail Shape it is appropriate to use a Straight Nail File and proceed working first on length – according to the length that we want to keep for our Nails - and then on the “Rails” (the parallel sides of the Nail) going to "smooth" the two corners of the free margin to get exactly an Oval Shape, natural and delicate, trying not to make it never too round or too pointed.
Oval Nails are a good choice for those who have Nails that are not too long and want to slim down the hand with an optical effect able to make our fingers seem more tapered.

Square Nails: the "Square" or "Squared" Nails Shape!
"Squared" Nails are very appreciated, especially by women who have a delicate hand and a sufficient length for the realisation of this shape characterised by the feminine and decided aspect!
Also in this case, our advice is to proceed with the aid of a Straight Nail File, filing first the length of the Nail and, subsequently, with attention the “Rails”: by filing the parallel sides of the Nail, in fact, we are going to give the desired Square Shape, then proceeding on the free margin that will just barely filed and shaped to create well defined corners and thus obtain a perfect Square effect!
optical effect able to make our fingers seem more tapered.

Squoval Nails: a perfect compromise!
We could define Squoval Nails as a perfect "compromise" between the two shapes just shown: a middle way which makes this Natural Nail Shape suitable for anyone who appreciates the Square Shape but at the same time want to slim down their Hands!
In order to obtain a perfect Squoval Shape, in fact, it is appropriate to file and shape our Nails working first on the length and in a second Step on the “Rails”, creating (as for the Square Shape) two well defined corners; but this time, once arrived to the filing of the free margin (the Nail tip) we will proceed by lightly smooth the corners and to refine the shape of our Nail, thus obtaining a Squoval shape!

Whatever the Shape that you choose for your Natural Nails, do not forget - once the filing is concluded - to remove any residue of filing which could compromise the perfect Application of your Nail Polish.
By using a Nail Buffer, it will be simple to finish the work and eliminate any residue: the particular grit of this "Nail Buffer Block" - said also Block or Snow Block - will allow you to give an extra touch of precision to your work.
At this point you can proceed and have fun with your Manicure!