With the arrival of the winter season, many of you contacted us to ask for some professional advices, in order to be able to take care of your own Chapped Hands or neglected.
As always, we underline the importance of a constant Care of the skin and nails of our hands…all year round!A Manicure helps to relax and keep in shape Hands, even during the cold season: specific and focused treatments, performed by our Staff composed by Specialised Nail Technicians, are a real panacea!
However, rhythms increasingly frenetic of our everyday life do not always allow us to take care of our hands as we should, thus risking to arrive in January with Chapped Hands and a little neglected…but do not panic!
Here’s some advice to “batten down the hatches” and spend a few minutes to our wellness.

Hands play a vital role in our life: With hands we communicate and express a lot of us, but every day they are exposed to numerous factors which may damage them.
Let’s think, for example, about the Products for the house cleaning or about all objects with which we come into contact in any moment….and about the cold temperatures of winter!
As for our whole body, also the hands skin is composed by different tissues that have the precise function of protecting the organism and get in contact with the outside; it happens however that the cold of the external temperatures and the jumps in temperature with our homes and our heated working environments, damage our skin that in this way appears chapped, dry or reddened.
To begin to solve this annoying problem, our first advice is to not overlook ourselves, by resorting to a simple but important daily application of Specific Hands Treatments such as our Hands and Nails Creams, that are rich in nutrients and regenerating essences, available in different fragrances and with different active principles (Aloe, Lemon, Strawberry, etc.).
A few minutes, the time of a quick massage to effectively make the product absorb from our skin ... and here is that immediately we can take comfort from its application, every day!

To this small daily cuddle, furthermore, it is appropriate complementing a Care even more profound and complete, with the aid of a Hands Mask Pics Nails, which is very appreciated for its ability to nourish and intensely smooth the skin, conferring a new, young and healthy aspect!
Hands and Feet Mask, the Hands Mask Aloe or the other available Hands Masks Strawberry, Raspberry and Cherry: Professional Hands Treatments and that are Effective in a very short time!
It will be sufficient, in fact, to apply an uniform layer of Hands Mask with the aid of a spatula or a Manicure Nail Brush and Wrap hands - up to the height of the wrist - in tinfoil, or in a small towel or in a cotton glove, to make sure that after only 10 minutes of laying you can enjoy the anti-age, hydrating and dermopurifying effects of the Product!
Once washed and dried, our Hands will be as new and you will be able to start to dedicate yourselves to the care of your Nails, for a perfect Manicure!