The Franchise is an Affiliation between Companies, a Business System used all over the world that allows to start a Point of Sale by exploiting the image, the organization, the experience and the quality of a successful brand on the market and in continuous growth in the reference field.
Do not hesitate to Contact us by using the Contact Form below if You desire to have further information about the possibility of collaborating and working with Pics Nails in the fantastic Nails World.
Opening a Nail Salon (Nail Center), or one or more operating work stations within activities which have already been undertaken, and being able to sell and supply Products and Services label Pics Nails is a Business opportunity capable of giving a career opportunity of great importance.
The Pics Nails System of Nail Franchise is structured in such a way as to be able to count on the organization, on the assistance and on the experience of a working group capable to deal with all the procedural steps that will lead to start up Your own Business Activity in the field of Nails Extension and resale of specific material and Nail Supplies with particularly favorable contract terms of quality.
The accession to the Pics Nails Franchise allows to be able to deal with the entrepreneurial experience, with all the supports and knowledge capable of leading your Nail Business to the highest possible yield.
The proposal of Franchise Affliation is addressed to all people who want to enter in the Nails Extension field and become a specialised reference in their own area of residence as Technicians responsible for a Nail Center already undertaken or with the opening of a Nail Salon or Corner Shop label Pics Nails.
By joining our Franchise package you will have full entrepreneurial autonomy and freedom, but with the safety and assistance during each step of the Staff of the Pics Nails organization.
The only fundamental prerequisite required will be the will*, the interest and enthusiasm with regard to the Nails Extension sector.
On the other hand our organization will offer all the training, experience, support and specialization during all the procedural and development stages of your business.
Here are some useful indications about the minimum requirements in order to be able to consider the opening of a Point of Sale in the Pics Nails Franchise; these are estimates and data base, to be considered and discussed with the person concerned, according to their own objectives and the district where you mean to start your own business.
The Affiliation Pics Nails System owns and guarantees certain Salient Aspects, tested for years, that have allowed the Pics Nails Trademark to grow and give life to a strong commercial network through its Affiliated Nail Centers.
Here Below, a clear synthesis of the Commercial Aspects that characterise our Nail Franchise System.
Tutoring concerning the Design Phase is the First Essential Step to be able to evaluate the Feasibility of the Project and the Peculiarities of the Concerned Area with the person concerned.
On the basis of this first analysis, therefore, we will be able to evaluate and identify the kind of Point of Sale in all its aspects: from the choice of the best property to the study of its interior, up to the definition of the Quote. Here below, the main points of this phase.
Study of the Resident Population in the Area of reference
Average Per Capita Income
Reference Target according to the age of interest
Similar and adversary activities in the municipal area
Surrounding areas study
Choose of the Property
Environments Design
Costs Analysis and Quote definition
Financing sources for the Project Analysis
Tutoring concerning the Opening Phase, instead, includes a series of activities supporting the delicate Start-up phase of the Point of Sale and there is no additional cost: in this phase, the company offers a Service of Juxtaposition in the Point of Sale and Assistance to 360°.
Marketing Support is one of the most particular and appreciated features of the Pics Nails Affiliation Franchise System.
Since its inception, the Pics Nails company has understood the potential of the Marketing and Communication activities aimed at the Company Strategic Promotion, through the most current offline and online channels, obtaining a great success in the years and continuously recording excellent data relating to the return on investment through focused and effective web and social actions.
Below, a clear summary of the Marketing Assistance activities guaranteed by the Pics Nails System.
Pics Nails wants to offer the most detailed and complete Training, in order to be able to lead You into the Nails Extension World as Experts.
For this reason the Training will not be exclusively technical, but will focus on all the aspects that concern the Launch and the Management of the activity, to 360°.
The Technical Training will be judged and quantified following an assessment, by the Pics Nails Master, about the experience and dexterity of the candidate:
Technical Training will allow to create one or more complete professionals who we will lead, with care and passion, to the learning of all the professional advanced techniques and procedures concerning the fantastic world of Nails Extension, and Application of Artificial Nails with UV Gel Methodologies.
By proceeding in the training program, with the systematic use of Nail Art Brushes, the Application of Rhinestones and Decorations, the use of the Professional Nail Drills, the concepts of customer and warehouse management, and the formation of accounting and organizational character, we are able to create complete Nail Technicians able to manage all stages of the production process within a Nail Center in the Pics Nails Franchise.
The formative period provided by our Franchise System is a real formative path, complete and professional, during which you will deal with all the subjects needed for the technical and theoretical preparation of the Staff of the new Nail Salon label Pics Nails:
a) Only Services
b) Services and Retail
c) Services, Retail and Wholesale
d) Services, Retail and Wholesale and Professional Training
Minimum Times for the Nail Franchise Opening:
In the case of a Nail Center with Services and Products Sale of medium size: about 90/120 days;
In the case of Nail Corner work stations within existing activities purely aimed at services: about 60 days;
Other cases: time to evaluate.
* Make sure in advance of the requirements for the activities development in the town chosen for the opening.